* Australian Cattle Dog * Bohemian shepherd dog / Chodsky pes * Schipperke * Međi *

News and our gains in 2008

5.12.2008 - We have schipperke puppies!!!

More information here.

8.11.2008 - working exams

Ned Kelly Cidabro pass exam ZZO. (Similar to german BH).

1.11.2008 - IHA Nitra, Slovakia

Ch. Windwarrior´s Blue Cidabro - V1, CAC, CACIB
JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

22.10.2008 - Eye test

JCh. MISS AUSSIE CIDABRO and KATHLEEN BLUE CIDABRO were eye tested ( PRA etc.) and both are free.

12.10.2008 - herding test

Ned Kelly Cidabro pass herding test ZVOP.
Ned is for sale (Optigen - obligate Pattern A, see our N-litter).

11.10.2008 - ACD Specility show in Mlada Boleslav

JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAC

3.-5.10.2008 Czech championship od rescue dogs

1st place and Czech Rescue Champion is Australian Cattledog CROCO DUNDEE CIDABRO ( owner: Mr. Sedlak)!!! Points: special work 100 p., 99 p., obedience part 85 p.
CROCO pass 3rd CACT and he is CZECH WORKING CHAMPION now!!!!!

4.-5.10.2008 Club and European dogshow in Hungary

Club show: Jch. Miss Aussie Cidabro - Ex.2 in Junior class and 4th place on European dog show.

Otto´s and Queen´s grand-grandson ICh. Quinkin Astra Caninawon Ex3 and Otto´s son Ch. Durango z Lodice Ex4 on champion class.

27.9.2008 - IHA Ceske Budejovice

Melbourne Beauty Cidabro - V1, CAJC
She is Czech Juniorchampion now.

Mini herding

Our mini-shepherds (schipperkes) work with our mini - sheep (ouessant sheep).

30.8.2008 - IHA Mladá Boleslav

JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAC, res. CACIB
Lupina is Club Juniorchampion
Our offspring:
Jezabelle Red Cidabro - V1, CAC, CACIB
ICh. Aberdeen Cmaden Dog - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB (Otto's son)

28.8.2008 - HD, ED

JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - HD: A, ED: 0
Kathleen Blue Cidabro - HD: A
*** We plan puppies ***

Our schipperke on Kamchatka

Cibetka's new owners have sent us current photos from far-away Kamchatka.

29.6.2008 – Royal schipperke club show in Belgium

Colin Cidabro – VP2 puppy class
Cuketka Cidabro – VP2 puppy class

28.6.2008 - IHA Brno

Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAJC
Lupina is Czech Juniorchampion.

22.6.2008 - rescue teams

Bitches Lady Eagle Cidabro and Like a Virgin Cidabro both passed IRO rescue exams RH-E.

21.6.2008 - Club show in Mlada Boleslav

Ned Kelly Cidabro - VP2 (puppy class)
Ch. Doc Bar Cidabro - V1, CAC, Best male
Miss Aussie Cidabro - V2 ( Junior class)
Colin Cidabro – VP1 in puppy class (schipperke)

14.6.2008 - Summer meeting of CIDABRO kennel

We enjoyed the nice day together with our Australian cattle dogs.

The following ACDs took part in our meeting - Ch. Freya´s Charm, Miss Aussie, Hannah Red, Norrisa Blue, Ned Kelly, Jamaine Red, Jomarco Blue, Narrandera Red, Nimberra Blue, Normanby Blue, Jonquest Red, Kathleen Blue - all from CIDABRO kennel. Special guest: schipperke Cuketka Cidabro,

6.6.2008 - Radio

Me and Merry were special guest of broadcast. I was talking about ACDs, schipperkes, breeding, dogshows and training etc.

22.5.2008 - DNA - Optigen tests:

All our tested dogs and offsprings are DNA - Normal/clear (Pattern A):
Ch. Doc Bar Cidabro
Miss Aussie Cidabro
Hannah Red Cidabro
Kalgoorlie Blue Cidabro
It is mean our litters H, L and N are DNA normal/clear too!!!!

24.5.2008 - IHA Mlada Boleslav

Melbourne Beauty Cidabro - V1, CAJC

13.4.2008 - IHA Wielselburg, A

Goolgowi Blue Cidabro - V1, CACA, CACIB
Blue is Austrian champion now

13.4.2008 - herding tests

Windwarrior´s Blue Cidabro "Lantu" a Miss Aussie Cidabro "Lupina" - both passed herding test ZVOP.

12.4.2008 - herding tests

Jamaine Red Cidabro - passed herding test ZVOP.

30.3.2008 - IHA Katowice, PL

Windwarrior´s Blue Cidabro - V1, CWC, CACIB, PL champion

Lantu is Poland champion

29.3.2008 - CZ Club show, Mlada Boleslav

Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAJC, Club Junior Winner 2008
Ch. Freya´s Charm Cidabro - V2, res. CAC (Champion class)

from our kennel:
Ch. Elbrus Blue Cidabro - V2, res. CAC (Champion class - males)
Melbourne Beauty Cidabro - V2 (Junior class - bitches)
Jamaine Red Cidabro - V2 (Middle calss - bitches)
Like a Virgin Cidabro - V1 (Middle calss - bitches)
Lizard Lass Cidabro - V3 (Middle calss - bitches)
Lady Eagle Cidabro - VD4 (Open class)

22.3.2008 - IHA Prague

Windwarrior´s Blue Cidabro - V1, CAC

Lantu is Czech champion

Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAJC, BOB (18 ACD)

Lupina won qualification for Cruft´s 2009 as the Best Junior Bitch

our successful:

Chamion class - males:
Aberdeen Red Camden Dog (Otto´s son) - V1, CAC, CACIB, qualification for Cruft´s 2009
Elbrus Blue Cidabro - V2, res.CAC

Junior class - bitches:
Lizard Lass Cidabro - V2
Melbourne Beauty Cidabro - V4


Unfortunatelly our foundation great bitch, our first ACD Queen (Bushranger´s Celtic Queen) left us for ever. Queen was not only dog, she was best friends for all our family.

2.3. 2008 - TV hobby programme

See us and our ACDs on the most popular Czech TV channel


We have puppies for sale.

13.2.2008 - TV shooting

Me and my ACDs participated on shooting for the most popular hobby teleview.

9.2.2008 - IHA Brno

Jamaine Red Cidabro - V1, CAC, res. CACIB