More information here.
Ch. Windwarrior´s Blue Cidabro - V1, CAC, CACIB
JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
JCh. MISS AUSSIE CIDABRO and KATHLEEN BLUE CIDABRO were eye tested ( PRA etc.) and both are free.
Ned Kelly Cidabro pass herding test ZVOP.
Ned is for sale (Optigen - obligate Pattern A, see our N-litter).
JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAC
1st place and Czech Rescue Champion is Australian Cattledog CROCO DUNDEE CIDABRO ( owner: Mr. Sedlak)!!!
Points: special work 100 p., 99 p., obedience part 85 p.
CROCO pass 3rd CACT and he is CZECH WORKING CHAMPION now!!!!!
Club show: Jch. Miss Aussie Cidabro - Ex.2 in Junior class and 4th place on European dog show.
Otto´s and Queen´s grand-grandson ICh. Quinkin Astra Caninawon Ex3 and Otto´s son Ch. Durango z Lodice Ex4 on champion class.
Melbourne Beauty Cidabro - V1, CAJC
She is Czech Juniorchampion now.
JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAC, res. CACIB
Lupina is Club Juniorchampion
Our offspring:
Jezabelle Red Cidabro - V1, CAC, CACIB
ICh. Aberdeen Cmaden Dog - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB (Otto's son)
JCh. Miss Aussie Cidabro - HD: A, ED: 0
Kathleen Blue Cidabro - HD: A
*** We plan puppies ***
Cibetka's new owners have sent us current photos from far-away Kamchatka.
Colin Cidabro – VP2 puppy class
Cuketka Cidabro – VP2 puppy class
Miss Aussie Cidabro - V1, CAJC
Lupina is Czech Juniorchampion.
Bitches Lady Eagle Cidabro and Like a Virgin Cidabro both passed IRO rescue exams RH-E.
Ned Kelly Cidabro - VP2 (puppy class)
Ch. Doc Bar Cidabro - V1, CAC, Best male
Miss Aussie Cidabro - V2 ( Junior class)
Colin Cidabro – VP1 in puppy class (schipperke)
We enjoyed the nice day together with our Australian cattle dogs.
The following ACDs took part in our meeting - Ch. Freya´s Charm, Miss Aussie, Hannah Red, Norrisa Blue, Ned Kelly, Jamaine Red, Jomarco Blue, Narrandera Red, Nimberra Blue, Normanby Blue, Jonquest Red, Kathleen Blue - all from CIDABRO kennel. Special guest: schipperke Cuketka Cidabro,
Me and Merry were special guest of broadcast. I was talking about ACDs, schipperkes, breeding, dogshows and training etc.
All our tested dogs and offsprings are DNA - Normal/clear (Pattern A):
Ch. Doc Bar Cidabro
Miss Aussie Cidabro
Hannah Red Cidabro
Kalgoorlie Blue Cidabro
It is mean our litters H, L and N are DNA normal/clear too!!!!
Goolgowi Blue Cidabro - V1, CACA, CACIB
Blue is Austrian champion now
Windwarrior´s Blue Cidabro "Lantu" a Miss Aussie Cidabro "Lupina" - both passed herding test ZVOP.
Lantu is Poland champion
from our kennel:
Ch. Elbrus Blue Cidabro - V2, res. CAC (Champion class - males)
Melbourne Beauty Cidabro - V2 (Junior class - bitches)
Jamaine Red Cidabro - V2 (Middle calss - bitches)
Like a Virgin Cidabro - V1 (Middle calss - bitches)
Lizard Lass Cidabro - V3 (Middle calss - bitches)
Lady Eagle Cidabro - VD4 (Open class)
Lantu is Czech champion
Lupina won qualification for Cruft´s 2009 as the Best Junior Bitch
our successful:
Chamion class - males:
Aberdeen Red Camden Dog (Otto´s son) - V1, CAC, CACIB, qualification for Cruft´s 2009
Elbrus Blue Cidabro - V2, res.CAC
Junior class - bitches:
Lizard Lass Cidabro - V2
Melbourne Beauty Cidabro - V4
Unfortunatelly our foundation great bitch, our first ACD Queen (Bushranger´s Celtic Queen) left us for ever. Queen was not only dog, she was best friends for all our family.
See us and our ACDs on the most popular Czech TV channel
We have puppies for sale.
Me and my ACDs participated on shooting for the most popular hobby teleview.
Jamaine Red Cidabro - V1, CAC, res. CACIB