ACD - judge: Dalibor Antić (SRB)
Oatley Blue Cidabro "Tessa" - Ex (junior class)
C.I.B. Uaroo Blue Cidabro "Kerry" Ex2 (veteran class)
SCHIPPERKE - judge: Vladimír Piskay (SK)
Evening Star Cidabro - Ex1, BOV, BOS (veteran class - 13 years old!!!)
our offspring:
ACD: Ghiran Blue Cidabro - Ex4 (open class)
Judge: Myriam Vermeire ( BE)
Barker Blue Cidabro – Ex1, CAC, BOB
Judge: Milan Krinke
Brigalow Blue Cidabro (open class) - Ex1, CAC, BOB, NW
Ghiran Blue Cidabro (open class) - Ex1, CAC, BOS, NW
Lissbeth Blue Cidabro - Ex1, Regional Winner
Judge: Mrs. Alexandra Grygarova
Oatley Blue Cidabro "TESSA" - VP1, BOB puppy and ......
shortlisted in TOP6 in BIS puppy on her very first show
judge: Mr. Karel Hořák
ACD - Ch. Xtra Australia Cidabro - Ex 1, Veteran Winner
CHP - Limetka od Brany Raje - Ex 1, Regional Winner
ACD - judge: Andras Polgar (SRB)
Grand Ch. Eyre Blue Cidabro - Ex2 ( champion class / 4 )
Ch. Windwarrior´s Bold Eagle - Ex1 ( open class / 5 )
Lissbeth Blue Cidabro - Ex4 ( junior class / 8 )
Schipperke - judge: Jens Bruse (DE)
Cuketka Cidabro - Ex1, BOV ( veteran class )
Limetka od Brany Raje – new stud bitch with great report
judge: Mrs.Vaclava Rybarova
Limetka od Brany Raje - Ex2, res.CAC (interm. class / 21)
Entried 225 dogs
judge: Petr Rehanek
Ch. Windwarrior´s Bold Eagle - Ex1, CAC
judge: Tibor Havelka (SK)
Jun.Ch. Windwarrior´s Bold Eagle - Ex1, CAC, res. CACIB
Judges: Mrs. Alexandra Grygarova / Mr. Tibor Havelka
Windwarrior’s Bold Eagle - Ex1, CAC, CACIB / Ex1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Weribee Blue Cidabro – Ex1, Veteran BOB / ---
More info about this litter here