4.12.2000; import Belgium - 16.5.2017
HD A (0/0)
prcd2 - Pattern B
scissors bite, full dentinated
2x CAJC, 6x CAC (ČR), 4x CAC SR, res. CAC, 3x CWC, CAC VDH, 2xres. VDH, CAC Germany, 2x Champion O.CAC Hungary, 5x CACIB, 3x res. CACIB, 5x BOB, 2x Best bitch, res. World Winner 2003 !!!, Czech Juniorchampion, Czech Champion, Slovak Champion, Polish Champion, Hungarian Club Winner 2004 , CZ Club Champion, International Champion, Czech Veteran Champion, World Veteran Winner
V1, VDH Cha., CAC, res. CACIB – World Dog Show 2003 (Dortmund, Germany)
V1, World Veteran Winner, BOB veteran - World Dog Show 2003
obedience title: ZOP, ZPU 1, ZZO
Merry is a real dream about ACD. Merry is one in million and THE BEST ON THE WORLD for me. Both her parents are World Winners, International champions and champions of many countries. She is excellent in sports, show and strong health. Merry gave us 4 perfect litters. Her son Jim lives with us. Jim is available for stud.
WW, ch. Bluespirit Ike Des Poenjaap
ICh. Cattlefarm´s Shameless Lass